Global Warming or Global Hot Air ???<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Rev. Dr. David M. Berman Th.D
Let me start this article by saying that as an outdoorsman, I think it is important to be concerned about pollution and look for responsible ways to make the environment cleaner. There is no doubt that the creation speaks of the Creator, and thus the environment must be treated as the blessing it is. When concern for the environment turns from appropriate stewardship to the adoration of the created thing rather than the Creator, that philosophy is nothing more than an incredulous insult against God himself. This is the main problem with the environmental movement. It is a cover for the real agenda. The agenda is world socialism with its official religion being that of a strange mix of Earth worship, pantheism, and secularism.
With all the "Chicken Little" pronouncements concerning global warming you would think that we are doomed to a cataclysmic destruction of the world as we know it. You and I are told that this is not a matter of if, but when. This has led the "experts" to gather together for a discussion of the warming trend "problem". They came out with the predictable report. It is all man's fault and particularly the fault of free enterprise. There is no mention in the media of the fact that of the top 20 most polluted cities in the world, 16 of them are found in communist <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />China, and the others are in the former communist Soviet Union.
So what do we do with the "sky is falling" continued bombardment of hysteria that we get from the media? How should we deal with this? First, I think it would be wise to ask the question, "What really is the cause of the Earth warming?" It seems only reasonable to question the findings of the so-called "experts" when we see that other "experts" who do not agree with the conclusions of Al Gore are being silenced. Take for example a noted scientist, George Taylor, who has held the position of Oregon State Climatologist for 16 years. His argument against climate change being a "man made" problem has got him in "hot" water with those on the political left. In Oregon, there are many who blame Americans and free enterprise for everything that is wrong. Well, what does the governor of Oregon do? He states in an interview on KGW-TV that he wants to remove Taylor from the position because he is not going along with the other "experts". I guess in order for Taylor to keep his job he should have walked in locked goose step with the politically correct "experts" on global warming. 
There are three questions that must be explored.
1) Is the Earth warming?
2) In man causing it to warm?
3) What can we do about it?
Let's look at the first question. "Is the Earth warming?" They tell us the Earth is a full degree warmer than it was 100 years ago. When I first heard this, I had a number of questions come to my mind right away. Here they are. "How do they know that"? Many people would not even ask that question. Many just accept what they hear. Continuing the questions I asked, "Did they have the kind of high technology instruments necessary to measure the Earth's temperature within a degree?" The answer is, not only did they not have the high technology instruments to measure within a degree, they had no way of measuring the temperature of the Earth at every point in order to get an exact temperature within a degree. We, 100 years later, still can't measure within a degree. The temperature changes within multiple degrees based on shading from clouds, wind, and other factors that make it impossible to measure the temperature of the Earth within a degree and compare it within a degree from 100 years ago. It is simply impossible to make that claim. It can't be done! What is reasonable is to look at the trending temperature concerning the changes of season and see if there is a trend one way or another. It is reasonable to conclude that there is a trend in the last number of years that seems to be toward warmer temperatures. Winters have been a bit milder in the Northeast etc. Ok…why?
Now, the next question. "Is man causing the warming trend?" It would seem clearly logical to look into history and see if this has happened before. "Experts" tell us that the period from about 1000 to 1400; global temperatures are thought to have been a few degrees warmer than those of the preceding and following periods. Were there too many camp fires that warmed up the climate? We also know that evidence clearly teaches us that in the period from 1400 to 1800, there was an expansion of mountain glaciers and cooling of global temperatures. This was seen in the Alps, Scandinavia, Iceland, and Alaska. Why was there a cooling? Was it that everyone stopped making camp fires? (No SUVs, or Industrial Revolution then.)  Did man make the Earth cool? Furthermore, how did the warm temperatures start before the Industrial Revolution in the1900s? The aforementioned report by the "experts" states that since the mid 1900s man has caused the newest warming trend, yet we know that the warming trend actually started as we came out of the cooling period from 1400 to 1800. Was it that people started making camp fires again in the early 1800s? The truth is that there is no way to know if the trend will change soon or not. If 20 years from now we are in a cooling trend, I guarantee you that the same people will be saying that we have caused a global cooling and that imminent doom lurks for us. They would be calling for the same types of things that they are now. In fact many of the same people said in the 1970s that we were headed for another Ice Age. Global warming is an opportunity presented to them that they are taking advantage of in order to further advance their cause of tyranny.
The same people tell us that there was an Ice Age and that the Earth warmed up after the Ice Age. The "experts" tell us about what is referred to as, "The Pleistocene", they say it began about 1.8 million years ago and ended about 10,000 years ago. I do not believe the Earth is millions of years old, but let's look at this from their perspective for a minute for the sake of this discussion. They say that at the height of the Pleistocene glacial age, more than 30% of the land area of the Earth was covered by glacial ice. The obvious question is, "How did the Earth warm up after the Ice Age? 
In a recent article in Discover Magazine it was reported that a probe that America sent out on a mission to Mars was still sending back data after many years. The article stated that the data that is being retrieved by the probe indicates that the Mars polar caps are melting. I wonder why they are melting. Are there too many SUVs there? Are there a bunch of free enterprise Martians driving around in fossil fuel cars? Perhaps the Martians are producing too many carbon emissions from the manufacture of space ships. I am sure that Al gore will get around to saying that it is Conservatives that are at fault for the global warming of Mars. The point should be well taken. No one is responsible for the change of climate on Mars. It is a natural occurrence. Earth is experiencing the same. The warming trend of the Earth is simply a natural occurrence that has nothing to do with man whatsoever. The past shows us both cooling and warming trends existed before the use of fossil fuels. This latest trend is simply that, a natural trend. 
This leads us to the next question. "What can we do about the natural warming trend?" The answer is nothing. What do they want us to do, use hand fans to cool off the planet? How about reversing our air conditioners so that they cool the outside air? Instead of wasting time and money on this, we should be looking to reduce our dependence on foreign oil not because of climate change, but rather because of national security. The more we reduce our use of Muslim oil, the better. The Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia are using the money they make from us for the spread of Islamic terrorism. They fund the schools that teach their hatred for America with the money they make from us.
The global warming alarmists are simply attempting to grab power and money to fund more government regulation and tyranny. The United Nations will use any tool they can to erode our national sovereignty. The Chicken Little "sky is falling" garbage is perfect for their purposes. They want us to be under their governance concerning our economy. They want us to do this by having us sign the Kyoto treaty. This treaty would limit our economy while at the same time exempt China and India from any restrictions on emissions. Why should we sign this when it is China that is producing so much pollution? This is an attempt by the leftists in this country and in foreign lands to destroy us and bring us under global government tyranny. They will stop at nothing. The sad thing is that most Americans simply take the bait hook, line, and sinker. Wake up and smell the truth people. It is not global warming that should alarm you. It is the global hot air coming out of the mouths of Socialists, Communists, and one world global tyrants that is the real threat!
The next time you hear the "experts" predictions about global warming, remember that these people can't even predict the weather two weeks from now in an accurate manner. The next time the U.N. tells you that they can work to solve the upcoming catastrophe, remember that these people can't even solve the most basic problems we deal with today. Do not be fooled by there attempt to lure you through fear. Their ultimate purpose is to steal your freedom and put you under subjection to the elite global Socialists. Global warming hysteria is another attempt to accomplish their worldview. Do you really trust these people? If you do, I ask you to look at the facts and realize the truth.
So what is this global warming hysteria all about? It is about an agenda to further erode freedom and to give more control to the government and ultimately the world Socialists. Al Gore won an Oscar for his "documentary" called "An Inconvenient Truth." The real truth is that Al Gore can't travel on commercial airlines or live in an average-size home because that would be inconvenient for him. He travels on private jets and maintains huge homes that use 20 times the amount of energy that the average American uses. (remember that Al Gore is the guy who said that he invented the internet). It is the same old elitist garbage that has been around since Man's fall into sin. The mind set of the elitist is this: "Do as we demand, but we are above doing what we demand. We are above you because we are more important than you. We are the ones who must lead and therefore are not subject to what we tell you." 
What a joke it is to hear Al Gore and his Hollywood Liberal, private jet traveling, money wasting, malcontents preaching to us about using less energy. Spare me the absurd notion that they have any right to preach to us. These people are consumed with selfish ambition. They can all travel on public transportation if they want to. They can all live in an average-size house if they want to. They can all drive a small car if they want to. Instead they leave that to the little people to do since they are so much more important than we are.
Do not blindly accept what so called "experts" and Liberal elitists tell you. The agenda is clear. The media and entertainment people will do anything to continue what their desired end is. They want one elite class and the rest of us to be their peasant subjects. Do not be fooled. We all want a clean environment, but what they want is to use their worship of the Earth to put us under subjection to socialist tyranny. They think of themselves as the priests and prophets of their twisted humanist religion. If we dare to question them, we are portrayed as simple-minded and uninformed. I am well informed on their agenda and that is the real threat to their desires. Send this article to everyone that you can. Truth is the only way to defeat the lies that they spread. They are simply not to be trusted.

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