Where's the Outrage and Where's the Press Coverage?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Jan Markell
Some 21st century commentator said that today, "What is up is down, what is down is up; what is right is wrong, what is wrong is right-and everyone is drowning in politically correct madness."  There's a twinge of the Bible in there as well.
But this madness takes the proverbial cake.  Therefore, I not only have to ask, "Where is the outrage?" but also, "Where is the press coverage?"  If even the alternative media can only obsess on Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell, have they lost their minds or are they just feeding Americans what they want?  Do they know Americans don't care one whit that a potential "disaster-in-the waiting" could happen at the United Nations?
Zalmay Khalilzad served as <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />U.S. ambassador to Iraq but on January 4, 2007, he was appointed by the president to be the new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.  The administration said that the change was a "part of a broad revamping of the military team that will carry out the administration's new Iraq strategy."  There are legions of stories about the new Iraq strategy but hardly any about the fact that a Muslim is now the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.
Quoting my good friend Jack Kinsella in a recent Omega Letter Intelligence Digest, a subscription-based biblical/current event daily e-newsletter (see www.omegaletter.com to subscribe), "So who would be the best candidate to represent the U.S. as Ambassador to the U.N. in such a delicate and potentially nation-shattering scenario?  How about an American-born U.S. citizen whose undivided loyalty to America and its system of government is beyond doubt?
"Someone like John Bolton . . . or an Afghan-born Muslim (Khalilzad) who received his education and religious training in Beirut during the 1980s?"
Kinsella continues, "In Islam, one's faith is placed in loyalty to the teachings of the Koran as a necessary step towards pleasing Allah.  The Koran demands loyalty to the worldwide Islamic community as a fundamental religious duty imposed on all the faithful.
"By definition, a believer cannot put national self-interest above duty to the worldwide cause and remain faithful to the Koran.  If one is a good Muslim, one cannot represent interests contrary to the interests of worldwide Islam and remain a good Muslim."
I give credit to the President for suggesting that the war on terror could last 100 years or longer.  Traditional military strategy just might not work in this war and even more so if and when the jihadists gain weapons of mass destruction.  It is already assumed they have chemical and biological agents and possibly suitcase-sized nukes.
Many in the current administration know that radical Islam would just love to fly an airplane into the White House.  The West is in a battle to survive jihadists who want to take us back to the 7th century and behead a few million infidels along the way.  So while Khalilzad has been appointed to help us in this war on radical Islam, he could very well undermine all we are doing if he is going to be faithful to his religion.
This is the "madness" referred to in the opening paragraph and yet the mainstream media and truth-telling alternative media are ignoring the story.  Wasn't it enough of a wake-up call to learn that Keith Ellison (D-MN), a devout Muslim convert who took an oath on the Koran, would not answer the questions about putting America before the Koran?  Islam leaves no room for the possibility of redemption to those who betray the cause of Islam.
I would not paste a bumper-sticker on my car that says, "Never trust a Muslim," but I would put one there that says, "Never appoint a Muslim to high office in America."  I have talked to too many experts who say Islam will try to dominate by "evolution" if not "revolution."  In other words, they will make inroads from within rather than by the sword.
To better understand my concern, visit the category of "Islam & the Arabs" at my Web site. The link is here: http://www.olivetreeviews.org/topics/islam_arabs.shtml
There are many programs on my "radio archives" that address the threat as well here: http://www.olivetreeviews.org/radio/mp3/

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