The Disgusting Attack on American War Hero General McInerney by the Fake News Media Using False Information

An article by Gina Harkins for, dated Dec 1st, 2020 seems like a misdirected attack on not only our broadcast network, but on highly decorated, 3-star General Thomas McInerney. 

Just so the public isn’t confused, is not a website run by the US military. It apparently isn’t even a US company. According to news reports, it’s reportedly owned by Randstad Holding, a Dutch multinational human resources consulting firm headquartered in the Netherlands. It appears as though their business model is to run a website that appeals to the military in order to then sell advertising that targets the demographic of active and retired military families. But we digress…

In the article, Gina’s first mistake is to claim that General McInerney reported as fact that soldiers were killed while seizing servers in Germany. When the host, Brannon Howse, asked the General about this, he clearly stated that he couldn’t verify that. Here is a direct quote from the interview:

Brannon Howse:  Did that go down without incident, by the way? Did that seizure go down without incident?

General McInerney:  I haven't been able to verify it. I want to be careful on that. It's just coming out.

He said this on Brannon’s live-streamed show on Friday night, November 27th; and then on his radio show on November 30th, after the General gained more information, he said this, at the 16:43 mark:

The ‘Kraken’ is the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion. They, I believe, are playing an important role that the FBI and others have not in order to find out what is going on. I do not know that, I’m not part of it, but it immediately clicked when I found out who the ‘Krakens’ were, and when Sidney mentioned she was going to ‘release the Kraken,’ I think that’s what she’s talking about on the information. 

And at the 23:47 minute mark, General McInerney continued:

The 305th Military Intelligence Battalion didn’t seize that—they may have been part of it. That was probably a Delta Force operation. The information was delivered to the 305th. They’re doing all the analyzing.

So, now WVW Broadcast Network would like to know if Gina, in her request of us to make a correction, would she now herself make a correction in asking us for a correction?

Since her article came out on December 1st, she had more than enough information to realize that she was incorrect in her assessment about General McInerney. Clear evidence is that on November 30th, he stated that the 305th was a Military Intelligence Battalion that was not involved in the raid. Since December 1st comes after November 30th, it’s pretty clear she’s writing about an issue that on the 30th had already been cleared up. 

So why is Gina on December 1st writing a story that was clearly not necessary? Unless her sole intent was to attack and besmirch a decorated war hero such as General McInerney, who flew over 400 missions fighting the Communists in Vietnam, not to mention his distinguished career thereafter. We would like to know who encouraged her to write this article. Is she just operating as is the standard behavior of the mockingbird media?

And as far as our network not responding to her request for a correction, allow us to explain. On the morning of December 1st, while we were preparing to go live on 53 terrestrial stations, she sent us an email. By the time we got off the air, she had already published it. 

Perhaps the story within Gina’s story is that she reports on her own confusion of the facts. As she clearly stated:

McInerney, who served as the Air Force's assistant vice chief of staff in the 1990s, told Howse he'd heard reports that U.S. soldiers were killed in a CIA-led operation to retrieve ballot servers in Frankfurt, Germany.

That’s what she wrote. What General McInerney actually said was, “I haven't been able to verify it. I want to be careful on that.” Interesting how Gina bothered to transcribe the information she wanted, but failed to transcribe the actual facts. 

This is a perfect example of the fake news that now dominates the American press. And what’s really sad, is the fake news is reported using the military as their backdrop. However, this is not a new tactic. Roger Baldwin, the Communist who founded the ACLU, also knew how to do this when he stated:

We want to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a lot of flags, talk a great deal about the constitution and what our forefathers wanted to make of this country in how that we are the fellas that really stand for the spirit of our institutions.

Gina described our broadcast network as far right. The values and worldview we currently represent – at one time were seen as mainstream Judeo Christian American values. Sadly, as too many within the country drift to the left, to them, it makes us look far right.

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